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Pierce Seniors Moved on to the Semifinals of the National Scholarship

By Sara Thomsen 


Travis Emory and Noah Jones became two of the 111 Nebraska students who are entered into the semifinals of the National Merit Scholarship. 

Students qualify by having a high score on the PSAT, which is taken in the junior year of high school. The semifinalists usually score in the top 1% of PSAT takers. 

For Emory or Jones to become finalists, they have to send their school transcripts, a letter of recommendation, and a personal essay, normally about an obstacle they had. 

The National Merit finalists will be announced in February. 

Students who receive the awards increase their opportunities for state and national scholarships. They are in the running to be a National Merit Scholar,” guidance counselor Mrs. Danielle Goetsch says “The National Rural and Small Town Recognition Program specifically honors those students who score at the top of the nation on the PSAT during their junior year and who are from a rural area.”

Emory comments,  “Becoming a National Merit semifinalist is a big deal, and I feel very honored to represent Pierce High in this national competition. Out of all the high schools in Nebraska that got semifinalists, only a couple were from a small town like Pierce. I am very proud to continue in the running for the scholarships, considering any student in the US can take the test.” 


Pierce Public Schools 201 N. Sunset St. Pierce, NE  68767

402.329.6217 Fax: 402.329.4678

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