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New First Grade Student Teacher
By Zane McKeown Elly Herley grew up in Clearwater and attended Summerland Public Schools and after earning her diploma there, she proceeded to enroll in classes in Wayne at Wayne State College. Herley is majoring in . . .
Teamwork Tuesday
Pierce Elementary held their monthly Teamwork Tuesday on January 7th. All 3-6 grade classes are paired with PreK-2 for a fun activity and team building time from 8:15-8:45 once a month. Here are the pictures from our January event
2025-2026 Preschool/Kindergarten Registration Open
As of Friday, January 3rd, Pierce Elementary School will be accepting Preschool and Kindergarten registrations for the 2025-2026 school year. Your child must be 4 by July 31, 2025 to be eligible for preschool and . . .
Pierce Elementary Beginning of the Year & Supply List Information for 24-25
Thursday, August 8 -Back to School Open House Last names A-M 6-6:30pm and N-Z 6:30-7pm Monday, August 12th, First day of School for K-6th with a 1:00 p.m. dismissal Tuesday, August 13th, First day of School for Preschoolers . . .
2024-2025 Preschool/Kindergarten Registration Open
As of Friday, January 5th, Pierce Elementary School will be accepting Preschool and Kindergarten registrations for the 2024-2025 school year. Your child must be 4 by July 31, 2024 to be eligible for preschool and they must be . . .