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Pierce Public Schools ESSER III Use of Funds / Survey AND Pierce Public Schools 22-23 Return to School Plan & Survey

American Rescue Plan Use of Funds for Pierce Public Schools


Schools across the nation are expected to receive federal funding through the American Rescue Plan Act (ESSER III).  A requirement to receive this funding is the collection of feedback from the community regarding the use of the funds.  The various allowed uses are contained in the survey located on the school district’s website (piercepublic.org).  Please complete the survey at your earliest convenience.  Thank you for your cooperation.

ESSER III Use Survey


Pierce Public Schools 22-23 Return to School Plan & Survey

July 03, 2021

Pierce Public Schools - Safe Return to School Plan - Updated 7/14/2022

The purpose of this document is to provide a framework for how Pierce Public Schools will respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the educational program during the 2022-2023 school year.

Our plan was developed and updated by frequent meetings with the North Central District Health Department along with guidelines from the Governor’s office, the Nebraska Department of Education, the Nebraska Schools Activities Association, and the administrators located in Educational Service Unit 8. 

Our goal was prioritize the safety and health of students and staff by taking all relevant and accurate information to arrive at a plan that is specific to Pierce Public Schools incorporating the following concepts: 

  1. Incorporate the correct wearing of face coverings if necessary.
  2. Modify the use of facilities via physical barriers, cohort groups, and alternative room use to allow physical distancing.
  3. Emphasize good hand hygiene. 
  4. Provide additional cleaning and sanitizing to high touch areas.
  5. Provide contract tracing via interviews and security camera footage with appropriate reports to health officials for quarantine purposes.
  6. Incorporate diagnostic questioning and temperature taking if necessary.
  7. Continue to coordinate with the North Central District Health Department to supply vaccinations to our community and school.
  8. Continue to coordinate with state and local health officials to implement the best possible and practical strategies.
  9. Provide appropriate services to children with disabilities.
  10. Provide a high quality educational experience to all students regardless of the circumstances.
  11. Maximize the amount of in person instruction.
  12. Incorporate an accountability component for attendance and grading if remote learning is necessary.
  13. Provide for the physical, social and emotional needs of students and staff.
  14. Provide extracurricular activities as guidelines allow.
  15. This plan is a working document and may be modified by the superintendent as new information becomes available.  

The success of our plan will be maximized by a community effort involving students, parents, community members, and staff.  We ask for your cooperation in incorporating the following items strongly encouraged by the North Central District Health Department:

  1. Good hand hygiene.
  2. Cleaning and sanitizing high touch areas on a regular basis.
  3. Social distancing.
  4. The correct wearing of face coverings.

On the following link is a color coded chart summarizing our Safe Return to School Plan.  Please understand that additional precautions may include the correct wearing of face covering, which depending upon circumstances may be optional, recommended, or mandatory.

Pierce Public Schools Return to School Plan Updated for 22-23

Pierce Public Schools Return to School Plan Updated for 23-24

Pierce Public Schools Return to School Survey

Pierce Public Schools 201 N. Sunset St. Pierce, NE  68767

402.329.6217 Fax: 402.329.4678

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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