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2022 State FFA Convention

by Isabelle Skrdla


The Pierce FFA Chapter took 38 members to Lincoln for the 94th FFA State Convention and walked away with numerous awards, including a national qualifier. 

The chapter took down three individual participants and ten teams. One of the individuals was Trever Montgomery, who was the state champion in his Ag Sales Proficiency, which qualified him for the National FFA Convention in the fall. 

Montgomery, a sophomore, states, “I would like to thank everyone that followed me on this journey and the growth of my business. After hearing all of the cheers, seeing the posts on Facebook from people I don't even know, and countless accounts of people coming up and congratulating me, I realized I have the whole community of Pierce behind me. Thank you to everyone that has supported me all the way through to state, and now to nationals!”

Also medaling at state were Bailee Thelen, who received gold in her Discovery Speaking speech, and Alexander Meier, who received bronze with his Natural Resources speech. 

Kelton Anderson received ninth in arc welding. 

The ag mechanics team earned sixth place and that team consisted of Ayden Thelen, Steffen, Anderson, and Keaton Weeder. 

Receiving gold were the students who competed were the ag demonstration team, which consisted of Kyla and Ava Knox, Brielle Unseld, and Larissa Meier. 

The welding team consisted of Makinzie Parsons, Colbey Jensen, Matthew Steffen, and Anderson.

The agriscience team was made up of Alexis Sporleder, Veronica Orona, Chelsey Ottis, and Mia Sackville, while the agronomy team consisted of Haiden Magnussen, Zachary Meier, A. Meier, and K. Knox. 

The food science team included team members Unseld, Isabelle Skrdla, Zaylah Pfanstiel, and Sporleder. 

The livestock management team consisted of Ella Gaes, L. Meier, Unseld, and Korvin and Colton Fritz.  

Pierce’s meat evaluation team consisted of Wyatt and Weston Stemick, Cameron Armitage, and Jensen. 

The quiz bowl team members were Evelyn Skrdla, Ottis, Brody Knox, and Isabelle Streff, while the second team was Alexandria Huwalt, Dierck White, We. Stemick, and Cayden Holen.

Asking junior Ella Gaes about her experience, she said, “Overall the 2022 FFA State Convention was a success for several reasons. The sessions that were held each day were very cool to experience as 6,007 Nebraska FFA members from around the state gathered in the Pinnacle Bank Arena to learn from the speakers and watch everyone earn their awards. My favorite part about the trip was meeting new people and talking to old friends. One cool part about the huge crowd is seeing the sea of blue jackets everywhere you look. The Haymarket was also a great way for everyone to venture out and try new foods. Waiting in the long lines was probably the worst part.”

Members competed in numerous events, attended workshops, and also watched other teams compete. In their free time, Pierce students could enjoy the career fair in the Pinnacle Bank Arena and explore the Haymarket area. In addition, the Pierce FFA assisted all of Nebraska FFA chapters in filling over 45,000 meals for the “Living to Serve Project.”

State convention has just about wrapped up the year for the FFA members. Their last event for the year is their annual chapter banquet on April 23.


Pierce Public Schools 201 N. Sunset St. Pierce, NE  68767

402.329.6217 Fax: 402.329.4678

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