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Pierce FFA Hosts Annual Banquet

By Brielle Unseld 

The Pierce FFA chapter held its annual banquet on Saturday, April 22, at the Pierce County Pavillion. This banquet allows the chapter to show the community the leadership, growth, and accomplishments from the year. 

The officer team and members put lots of hard work into decorations and planning. The night started off with a delicious dinner catered by Tinker’s, followed by two guest speakers. The first was R.P. Smith, a cowboy poet from Broken Bow, who told humorous and inspirational stories about ranching.  

Jennifer Magnussen, the mother of president, Haiden Magnussen, spoke on dedication and perseverance within the FFA chapter. 

Incoming president, Trever Montgomery, remarks, “I am proud of not just our FFA chapter but FFA as a whole became a sense of community and how we can come together in times of good or bad and help each other out. Also, FFA offers many different opportunities that many people may have never got. Becoming FFA president shows me that it is my time to take over the leadership role from the previous officer team, and I will strive to achieve those accomplishments that they have received, as a chapter and individually. I am really looking forward to introducing the upcoming FFA members and seeing how everyone can contribute to our FFA chapter.” 

Next up, the chapter handed out a variety of awards to thank and honor people like Aspiring Young Member, Star Greenhand, Helping Hands, etc. Members were recognized for all of their accomplishments throughout the year. 

FFA advisor Matt Neal says, “The banquet is always a good thing to showcase the accomplishments of our chapter. It really gives the community an idea of how much the members are involved in different activities in the year. This event also is great to show our appreciation to our community members for their continued support!”

Pierce’s new officer team is Montgomery as president, Alexis Sporleder as vice president, Veronica Orona as secretary, Alexandria Huwaldt as reporter, Trayton Christiansen as historian, Bailee Thelen as sentinel, and Angeline Skrdla as treasurer. Junior officers include Jessa Kraft, Evelyn Skrdla, and Isabelle Streff. 



Pierce Public Schools 201 N. Sunset St. Pierce, NE  68767

402.329.6217 Fax: 402.329.4678

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