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Pierce FFA Holds Annual Banquet

by Isabelle Skrlda


On Saturday, April 24, the Pierce FFA chapter members put on their annual banquet.

At the start of the banquet the officer team kicked it off with the opening ceremony. After completing the opening, Tinker’s Concession and Catering had served wonderful prime rib, cheesy potatoes, and green beans to the guests. 

As guests were finishing eating, a motivational speaker, Trent Loos, came and spoke to the whole pavilion. All the members and community thought the speech was a wonderful insight on how FFA will help with leadership throughout the members’ lives. 

Chapter Advisor Matt Neal comments, “I am amazed how each year our chapter continues to grow and how well our community supports us. This just shows how much our community values youth organizations. This year's group of seniors will be hard to replace, but they have done a great job of setting what the expectations are for Pierce FFA. It is exciting to think about the future groups that will carry on the tradition.”

The new FFA officer team consists of Ayden Thelen as president, Brielle Unseld as vice president, Larissa Meier as secretary, Isabelle Skrdla as reporter, Haiden Magnussen as treasurer, Colton Fritz as sentinel, and assistant reporter, Kyla Knox. 

New chapter president Thelen comments, “The thing I am most excited for my senior year as president is all the new and fun memories I will make along the way.”

The FFA alumni did their annual raffle drawing. The chapter also donated money to the Pierce Fire Department, Plainview Fire Department, and Central Valley Ag.

The Pierce FFA chapter is very excited to start a new year with many fun plans. 


Pierce Public Schools 201 N. Sunset St. Pierce, NE  68767

402.329.6217 Fax: 402.329.4678

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