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Cheryl Timm Elected President of FCSTN

Cheryl Timm Elected President of FCSTN

by London Sindelar

 Pierce High School’s FCS educator and FCCLA advisor, Mrs. Cheryl Timm, was elected this year’s president of Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers of Nebraska.

She was nominated for this position in June 2012. Before officially being elected president, she had to serve as president elect for one whole year. Then, in June 2013, she was officially named the president of Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers of Nebraska. As president, her duties include overseeing the executive board and the committees, developing a program of work, and promoting Family and Consumer Sciences Education. Her job is also to contribute to state newsletters and to write articles on issues related to Family and Consumer Sciences. She also works with the Nebraska Department of Education and attends the National Career and Technical Education Conferences.

Timm’s term lasts only one year, so her time as president will end in June 2014, but she will serve as the next year’s past president.

 “Serving as president of this organization has been a very valuable learning experience,” said Timm. “I was able to network with and learn from innovative teachers and business and industry leaders in Nebraska and from across the United States.” 

Timm continued, “I have gained a clearer vision of how Career and Technical Education (CTE) is becoming increasingly important to our students as they work toward a successful future in their careers and community and family life. I have heard time and time again from business and industry leaders that individuals entering the workforce need to be great problem solvers, creative and critical thinkers, and good communicators. In addition to all of those characteristics, a good work ethic, high personal expectations, and self-management is needed for students to successfully transition from adolescence to adulthood. My experiences in this position have reinforced my belief that CTE Classes, including Family and Consumer Sciences, play a very important role in helping students see the connection of how core academics can be applied and made relevant to a successful and productive future.”


Pierce Public Schools 201 N. Sunset St. Pierce, NE  68767

402.329.6217 Fax: 402.329.4678

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