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FCCLA Officers Attend Leadership Workshop

FCCLA Officers Attend Leadership Workshop
by Emily Bjorklund

The Pierce FCCLA officer team went to Norfolk on Wednesday, September 11, to go to the Fall Leadership Workshop, or FLW.
The theme for this year was “Catch the Spark.” Officers from different chapters gathered at the Lifelong Learning Center at Northeast Community College.  After the opening ceremony, there was a speaker, Nick Palkowski, who talked about how to achieve goals, mark progress, and the importance of relationships, all while keeping everyone’s attention with games that tied in to his speech.
Once the speech was over, the workshops were explained, and everyone split into two groups: one group went to lunch, the other group went to a workshop, and after about 40 minutes the groups switched. There were many different workshops that taught officers new ways to increase membership, improve membership involvement, spread the word about FCCLA, explain FCCLA to potential members, and run for office as an FCCLA member. The event was organized and run by the state officer team, who also taught many of the workshops. All officers went to one more workshop before going to the closing ceremony.  
The Pierce FCCLA officer team had a meeting afterwards to finalize plans for the next full-member meeting, which is on Monday, September 16.

Pierce Public Schools 201 N. Sunset St. Pierce, NE  68767

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